martes, 5 de enero de 2010

For over 36 years (December 17, 1973), one man has been paving the most impressive and transcendental change in history that will lead to the transformation of humanity. His name?


Today, more than 30 countries recognize that He is God Himself in His Second Coming who arrived just as the prophesies foretold – establishing His government here on Earth by bringing the apostleship and Gospel of Grace for obedience to the faith among all nations (Romans 1:5).


To govern all tribes, towns, languages and nations with the Gospel of Uncircumcision, which establishes justice, equality, order, love, power, and self control.


The objective of the Man Christ Jesus (JH) is to:

1) Awaken the believer from the deceit of religion as they have taught the Gospel of Circumcision which expired on the cross 2000 years ago.

2) Present the world with only pact that took effect after His death: the Gospel of Uncircumcision.

The gospel of grace, written in the 14 epistles of the Apostle Paul, is the science of grace which presents each person their true identity regardless of race, language, culture, social class, or ideology in such manner that it renews their mind, transforms their life and offers prosperity, health and freedom to all the nations.


The Man Christ Jesus places the believer after the cross*.

* All religions are 2000 years behind as they have remained before the cross – that is, teaching the Law of Moses, when in fact Jesus died to take it away. Therefore, in teaching the gospel put into effect after the cross, the Man Christ Jesus is the only one leading the world to honor the blood that Jesus shed. As such, He is rescuing the believers from 2000 years of apostasy by revealing the Gospel of Grace that religion hid. A gospel that outlines the benefits we inherited with His death.